dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2011

Episode 10: Another trip to Vinaròs, only this time it was planned, and com es diu nas en castellà

Well this is strange, for obvious reasons I’ve never celebrated Thanksgiving, what with it being American and all and me being British, but then I come to Spain and end up celebrating it for the first time ever, because that makes total sense. But anyway I was on ‘beer duty’ and went to Eroski to find, well, whatever I could, I’d been told this new San Miguel 1516 stuff is very good, but they’d run out, so I went for the standard Estrella, and I was walking along the aisle and – hang on – is that Duff beer? As in Duff beer from the Simpsons? Me gusta! So I picked up a few of those as well to take and got on the bus to Vinaròs. It was a lot easier finding Dan’s house this time as last time I’d not only slept through Amposta, I’d actually slept through the stop in Vinaròs and ended up in the petrol station where the driver was filling up, God only knows where I’d have ended up had he kept driving, but I don’t really want to think about it if I’m perfectly honest. So we got to Dan’s house, then from there to Erica’s, an American auxiliar in Vinaròs (which is technically in the Comunitat Valenciana, the only reason I know Dan is because, while he lives there, he works in Alcanar, which is in Catalunya. Think how close Chester is to Wales and you get the idea.) So there was a load of us there having Thanksgiving Dinner, with some Charlie Brown Thanksgiving thing on DVD in the background, had the chicken, had the stuffing, salad, beers, now let’s hit the clubs, and it’s alright for clubs is Vinaròs, some of them practically on the beach, not bad at all, and I think I’m already getting too used to what we English would see as ridiculous clubbing hours, you talk about going to a club before midnight over here and they look at you like ‘are you pissed?’ And then you don’t get back until, well, 6AM is early. So we get back at some time around 7 and then somehow function the next morning on about 5 hours of sleep (okay, afternoon), then it was suggested to go see Morella for the day, well why not? We went to Dan’s tutor’s house, walking past some sort of massive party, and some of the grande-est paellas you have ever seen, then while something was happening with her keys preventing her actually being able to get to her car, or something along those lines, we nipped into a bar to grab a coke to (hopefully) get rid of our hangovers before the journey which was a hell of a lot longer than expected, I figured it’d be a place maybe just outside Vinaròs, but instead found myself going so far inland that I was expecting to see Madrid at any moment. And then the next obstacle: hangover + car + sometimes feeling a bit travelsick anyway = I do not feel good, add to that a winding mountain road with sharp turns and I’m praying to get there soon, I wasn’t the only one though at least, as Kerry said when we eventually did arrive and get out of the car, first things first: get some bloody water necked! Think the coke was a bad choice, but anyway we had our tour of Morella and talk about old! It’s almost entirely within an old castle that has been incredibly well preserved, I’m not sure anything has been done to the exteriors of any buildings and there was all sorts of little traditional shops and what have you, I wouldn’t mind living there if it wasn’t in the middle of quite literally nowhere. At the end of the afternoon we bought a couple of things and headed back, feeling a bit better in the car now after walking around in the crisp mountain air, so we’re descending, descending, descending, what’s with my ear? Descending, descending, this is beginning to hurt now, descending, arrrrrghh!! So I’m basically sat there not being able to hear a thing until we get out of the car in Vinaròs. So yeah, this was a fun weekend!

And I now think that one of the girls in my class is convinced I speak Catalan, my only theory supporting this is that I’m bloody awesome at languages I don’t know, but other than that I have no idea how she’s gathered this, she said “the other day I saw you speaking with the other teachers in Catalan.” Trust me. You didn’t. I almost told her that I would have believed her had she said Spanish, but remember, I don’t speak Spanish either.
And then this week when I was in the mediació room with some of the students, I can’t remember what we were talking about, but it got onto body parts, and one of the girls comes out with ‘naso’ and they all fall about laughing, and I’m just sat there like “well…what’s going on?” Turns out that everyone in Catalunya learns Catalan as their first language (obviously) but then when some Catalan children straight up tell you that to get from Spanish to Catalan, you take off the last letter, that just seems lazy, except in this case where nas is Catalan for nose, but in Spanish it’s nariz, not naso, so that’s what turned out to be so funny, and come to think of it I’m not entirely sure why they were speaking Spanish in the first place.

diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2011

Episode 9: If it can go wrong, it will, and if it can’t go wrong, it will find a way

So yet another trip to Barcelona is upon me, only there are no meetings this time, no official business, nothing to do with school, reffing or anything, although on about reffing I do have to learn the rules in Spanish by this Friday, though I mostly know it anyway, plus in the rulebook it says “Este libro se publica en inglés, francés, alemán y Español, si existe una diferencia entre los textos publicados, el texto inglés hará fe." So that’s advantageous, what with being inglés and all. And then I’m taking the exam Friday evening at 8, only it’s in Tortosa which as you may remember from Episode 3 was where I was meant to go instead of Barcelona to register in the first place, wish me luck! So when I got back from Tortosa I got everything prepared for going to Barcelona to get drunk and watch England get raped by the Spanish, so that’s England shirt, Town shirt (we played away at Swindon in the FA Cup, the less said about that match, the better), wallet, phone, sorted. Then the next day I got up, giving myself time to go round Amposta to buy the ingredients I’d need to have my own crack at cooking arròs al forn, well, today, and then get the bus to the train station, with half an hour to spare before my train (the cheaper one) left for Barcelona, so I had a sandwich and Coke to kill the time and got on the train, then got to Barcelona and met George first of all, had a couple of beers, then went to the Irish bar in Urquinaona which was quite fun to try and pronounce, then had a shitload more beers with everyone else and I was sat there like “Town are playing right now, what the bloody hell’s the score? Stupid phone credit and me not having any of it!” But after it had finished I took off my Town shirt to reveal my England shirt I had underneath – I always wear my Town shirt when we’re playing, kind of a lucky charm…usually – but anyway after the ‘transformation’ I was then left wondering how exactly they get Sky in Spain, not that I was really bothered, all I cared about was seeing the match, and then the weirdest thing happened that can only be explained by Steven Hawking, Stephen Fry, and a tear in the space-time continuum: England won. The free-kick went in, heads up, Casillas stranded, Lampard nodded it in, and “ENG 1-0 SPA” is the weirdest sight in existence. So we had yet more beers and then made our way to our various casas, some lived in Barcelona, George in Olessa, me in Amposta about 120 miles away, with a direct bus. So yeah, it’s been a pretty good day so far, now to go to the bus stop and go home, simples, so I get on the bus and “rest my eyes”, to then be woken up by “Oye, señor, tienes que salir ahora, hemos llegado a Vinaròs.” Wait, what? I’m not even in Catalunya anymore? Fuck. This isn’t good, to put it in England measurements, I’ve just caught a bus to Huddersfield to then wake up in Leeds, I had to ring Dan at like one in the morning because luckily he lives there (Vinaròs, not Leeds), and then try and find out where exactly in Vinaròs I was, it was especially fun finding out I’d walked a good half mile in the wrong direction, dammit I just want to get to a bed! I eventually found him and went to his flat and got to sleep. Then the next morning I was rudely awoken by what can only be described as about four churches all seemingly hosting a wedding or two, until Dan told me “oh, that’s normal for Sundays.” I could not hack that at 9 o’clock on a Sunday morning. But after getting breakfast and getting dressed I got on the bus to Amposta (again) and this time didn’t fall asleep! Got off the bus and back to my flat and was like “yeah, I may have ended up in Vinaròs.” So for the rest of the day I’ve just been having a lazy, slightly hungover Sunday (that sort of hangover that you can tell is there, but it’s not too bad, but it won’t go away) and cooked the arròs al forn as promised, and my God it was good, I may have eaten about 4 meals’ worth of the stuff because I’m just that good at cooking, and now I’m writing this up and just arsing around on the Internet, as you do, ciao.

dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2011

Episode 8: Gavin 1-3 Barcelona, an ever more complex scoring system, and why late trains are a good thing

So this morning I had prepared for everything that could possibly go wrong today, because usually if it can, it does, I had on 3 layers, 2 of which quickly found themselves in my bag as soon as I got on the bus to L’Aldea. So I get to the station and buy my ticket to Sants, 11,25€, the cheapest available, good start, so I wait for the train, get on it, and travel to Barcelona, get there, and decide to walk to the meeting to save money on the Metro, and buy my ticket back straightaway to save any mishaps causing me to miss my train back. And now for Google Maps to come into play and screw me over, with roundabouts and first lefts and what have you, when I thought I was going the right way I went and spent my last note on a (bloody huge) sandwich and bottle of water, hoping to kill time before the meeting which would later turn out to be a mistake. Then the fun part started; I thought I was to take the road I was on straight to the Departament d’Ensenyament, nice, clean and simple, until it abruptly ended at a T-junction, I hedged my bets going one way and luckily enough saw two police officers, so I asked them where Via Augusta was, and they mentioned Avinguda Diagonal, now the problem here is that I thought I was already on Diagonal before turning onto the road that I thought went to the building. But I took their instructions and eventually found myself somewhere familiar, Carrer del Bruc, only Carrer del Bruc is actually the place where the CTA is where I went to (try to) register as a referee, so no wonder it was bloody familiar! So now I was totally winging it, I went over to the Metro stop across the road and deciphered from the map there where to go, then found myself at Provença, hang on, didn’t I come through here for the other meeting when I bought the wrong ticket? How big really is Barcelona? Oh well, outwards, upwards, and inlandwards, as I knew that Provença is on the same line as Muntaner, the stop closest to the Departament, so just head in that general direction and I’ll find it, oh look, there’s 15 minutes until the meeting, what was that about killing time? After a few more twists and turns I saw Muntaner and eventually the building, arriving at 3PM on the dot, time management at its finest. So we had the meeting which actually proved a lot more useful than the other ‘meeting’ last week, and it finished at half 5, next challenge: either get to Sants on foot in time for the train that leaves Barcelona-França at 17:48, or have to wait another 90 minutes for the next one.
Given that I now knew where I was going it was a lot easier, I walked down to Diagonal with Dan who lives in Vinaròs and was getting the bus straight from Barcelona, that goes through Amposta, but it was marginally more expensive and I already had my train ticket anyway, get to Diagonal and I had 5 minutes before my train left França, and I could only assume it’d leave Sants 3 or 4 minutes later, so now down the road from the roundabout where I should have turned off to go to Diagonal, but don’t really know how I managed any different, even trying to retrace my steps on Google Earth right now I just simply cannot figure it out, but anyway it got to 17:48 and I could just see the top of Torre Catalunya, the hotel across from Sants, and decided to start running, in my jeans, after having done deadlifts yesterday, let’s just say my hamstrings don’t really like me right now. Then me and some other guy ended up basically rugby tackling each other, you know that awkward as hell moment when you and someone else are walking opposite ways and you go one way, they go the same way, you go the other way, they do, one of you goes the other way, and you eventually get past each other, well we were both running in opposite directions with very little time to actually get past each other as opposed to through each other, especially with 6 lanes of traffic coming at us, hurt a fair bit, but anyway, I ran into the station, got through the barrier (as opposed to queuing up, buying my ticket and then getting through the barrier :D) and looked on the departure board, “oh crap, it’s not there, it’s not there, it’s THERE! IT’S LATE! YES!!” Literally could not believe my luck, waited for the train, got on, sat down, and went to sleep, waking only near L’Ampolla to think “hang on a minute, it’s gonna be past 8 when I get to L’Aldea, will there actually be any buses?” Fortunately after a few texts to Kerry I found out there would be at 8:25, again raising doubts about getting to the stop on time, fantastic, but as it happened I got to the stop with about 5 minutes to spare, plus it was late anyway.
So I got home, had some tea, and opened my laptop to blog about today, and check Facebook, and see a certain update along the lines of “I’ve been paid”. Interesting, so if I were to, say, go to my online banking and have a look at my balance…
Yeah, they know their memes out here.